Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Back to Oviedo and then Leon

 “If you are seeking creative ideas, go out walking. Angels whisper to a man when he goes for a walk.”  Raymond Myers

Walking  around town I come up with a plan b, c, d,..

I'm going to enjoy my extra time in Oviedo, but I may have picked the wrong time of year to come to Spain. In my two previous Caminos, one in May and one in September I walked a total of 3 hours in the rain. It's rained every day since I've been here but many times just a mist like out in Oregon.

I planned to start after the danger of snow was gone, but the rain isn't much better for walking.

A fellow Pilgrim I'm at had a similar story this is his fifth Camino and he's never seen persistent rain like this.

I had a great tour of the cathedral today that lasted over two hours. It was extremely interesting and I learned a lot about the hidden messages the artist heavy hidden in the various artworks.

For example. There are six pillars that hold up the roof of The Relic chamber. Each pillar is a pair of the Apostles. The hidden message is that Thomas has blue sapphire eyes and none of the other apostles have anything special. Because the artist is sending the message that only Thomas needs eyes to see. The others do not need to see to believe.

Another hidden message is in the altar piece. In the scene depicting the the wedding Feast at Cana there are only five wine jars. The artist knew that the six jar is in an Alcove to the left of the altar. I can't speak to the actual origin of the jar, but for a thousand years it has been filled with water on the feast of Saint Matthew and given to the congregation.

Exploring Leon

I was thinking this morning how most Americans are so spoiled by being able to jump in a car and go anywhere at any time. When you're on...