Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Finally - Traveling to Spain - I will be there in the morning


“You’re off to great places, today is your day. Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way.”  
Dr. Seuss

Here I go ... Jacksonville - Miami - Madrid - Oviedo. Planes all the way this time. There is no high-speed train from Madrid to Oviedo and for about $20 more I can fly. I will have a 40 minute bus ride from the airport to downtown after I land. I land in Madrid for breakfast, but it will be 2 AM Jacksonville time.

On the way back I fly Santiago - Madrid - Miami - Jacksonville. There is a new high speed train soon from Santiago, so if I return again I will have options.

I looks like I will be getting some rain when I am there. This area of Spain is a lot like the Smoky Mountains in the US and gets 80 inches of rain a year. The daily forecasts are for less than 1/4" of rain each day in late afternoon. Looks like a tentative plan for early morning walking and rainy nap time during siesta.

From Spain I will be off grid most of the trip. There is WIFI (pronounced 'wee fee' in Spain) in most cafes and bars, but my plans are to update the Blog via an email feature. I will write an email offline with imbedded photos and send one email a day when I have a WIFI connection.

Mountains west of Ovideo Spain

Exploring Leon

I was thinking this morning how most Americans are so spoiled by being able to jump in a car and go anywhere at any time. When you're on...